These Are the 5 States with the Toughest Speeding Laws

So, at least in Finland, fines for driving violations are administered differently than in the United States. The amount of the fine is determined by your income, so the wealthy often walk away from speeding tickets with hundreds of dollars, while the less fortunate often get a slap on the wrist.

In the United States, your home state or municipality, not your income, determines how severely you are punished if you are caught speeding. If you are caught speeding, you may face yet another financial penalty: your car insurance premiums may skyrocket.

"Typically, if you have a speeding ticket for going 15 mph or more over the limit, you can expect at least a 10% increase," says Bill Van Jura, an insurance broker in Poughkeepsie, New York. If you exceed that speed, you can expect even higher increases.

While all states punish speeding, some have harsher penalties than others. The following are the five states with the strictest speeding laws.

Speeding Laws in Georgia

Georgia implemented the Super Speeder law to crack down on speeding drivers. If you are caught and convicted of driving at 75 mph or faster on any two-lane road or 85 mph or faster anywhere in Georgia, you will be fined an additional $200 in addition to the local speeding fine. Local fines typically range from $100 to $300. If you do not pay the Super Speeder fee within four months, you will be fined $50 and your driver's license will be suspended.

The law was enacted in order to save lives on Georgia highways by slowing down speeders. In addition, the $200 Super Speeder fee supports Georgia trauma center hospitals, where approximately 60% of trauma patients have been involved in auto accidents.

Speeding Laws in Kentucky

If you are caught speeding 26 mph or more over the limit on any road or highway in Kentucky, you may face a 90-day suspension of your driving privileges. Your suspension will be decided in court.

"(Speeders) may be fined up to $100, plus additional court costs of $143. So you're approaching $250 just for the ticket," says Brad Groene, a criminal and traffic defense lawyer in Cincinnati and a Kentucky license attorney. If you are convicted, the conviction will remain on your record for five years if you are a regular driver and ten years if you drive a commercial vehicle.

Speeding Laws in Virginia

Certain speeding offenses in Virginia may be classified and charged as reckless driving. Driving 80 mph or more, regardless of the posted speed limit, is considered reckless driving, as is driving 20 mph or more over the posted speed limit.

And the consequences can be severe. "If you're convicted (of reckless driving), you could face six points on your license, a $2,500 fine, a 12-month jail sentence, and a driver's license suspension," says Raj Dua, a criminal defense attorney in Fairfax, Va. The reckless driving conviction will be on your DMV record for 11 years, which may affect your employment and car insurance rates during that time.

Speeding Laws in Illinois

Driving 30 mph over the speed limit in Illinois is not only a traffic violation; it is also a criminal offense. If you are caught driving this fast, you could face up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.

In addition, if you are caught driving this fast, you may be arrested while your car is towed. You will be processed, required to bond out or post bail, and assigned a court date. If you have a poor driving record in general, this could result in a longer jail sentence. If you have a clean record, a good lawyer may be able to reduce your fines and other penalties such as probation and jail time.

Speeding Laws in Missouri

If you are caught speeding 25 mph over the posted limit in Missouri, you will be issued a court date. The base fine is $100, and the judge may impose additional fines, court costs, probation, or jail time at his or her discretion. In October 2012, St. Louis County alone issued 209 tickets to drivers who exceeded the speed limit by 20 to 25 mph.

Some people believe that refusing to sign a traffic ticket removes your obligation to appear in court. However, once the trooper hands you a copy of the citation, you have been issued a summons to appear. Failure to appear is a legal violation that may result in additional charges.

It is best to compare insurance from the top brands and decide which one fits your budget, regardless of where you live.